
Tips:     To run a program with GUI, just type the program name in terminal, for eg. if you want to run             
             wireshark, just enter wireshark in the terminal.
             If you want to run a program that does not have a GUI, try /.program name.

The password hash   
The passwords are not stored in clear text. Instead a one way hash function is used. That means it is very difficult for an attacker to crack the password even if the hash is obtained.  The hash can be obtained from /etc/shadow. It will look something like this:
You can see the root hash at the top. Now let's try and understand the hash. The common hashing algorithms are MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2. SHA-2 is the most secure. This is my root password hash


The first part, root is the user.
$6$ means that SHA encryption is used. For MD5, it will be $1$.
Upto the next : its the password.
14592 is the number of days after the last password change.
0 denotes the minimum no. of days the user must use a password before it can be changed.
99999 denotes the no. of days the password is valid for
7 denotes the no. of days after password expires that account is disabled.

Some useful commands 

Bash scripting- The Basics

Locking the console
Backup using DD

Recovering files from DD