
Backtrack, a must have for hacking enthusiasts

Backtrack is my favourite Linux distribution and its simply awesome. Oh yeah. You can grab a VMWare image from here. It is designed for penetration testing and is most suitable for hacking. All the important tools like nmap, snort, metasploit and many others. In this post, I will explain how to enable networking in Backtrack using DHCP.

First you have to find out which interface you should be using by typing ifconfig. Check on the left side of the screen. You will most likely see an eth0 or a wlan0. If you have the eth0 interface, then enter the following

ifconfig eth0 up

If you have wlan0 interface, just use wlan0 instead of eth0.
That's pretty much it. Type ifconfig and check if you have recieved an ip address. I will explain how to use various security tools like nmap, nessus, metasploit etc. in my future posts.

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